The Explosive Sourdough Starter
Hey y’all, today’s topic is Sourdough. This could be a good one, so make sure you are comfy and ready to laugh at my mistakes. Don’t forget your tea! So Sourdough and myself have a love/hate relationship, I LOVE Sourdough and it just seemed to hate me!! This particular day was one for the books. I had made sourdough starters before plenty of times and I had gotten good at it, because of it’s hate for me (I didn’t feed her well enough), she would die. So anyway on this day I said this is it, this will be the one I keep alive and feed well so I can have the best bread all the time. I got my cute little jar that was purchased for this sole purpose, it was so darn adorable and I was so excited to get it going. So I add all my ingredients into the jar, sit down on the couch and was doing some herbal remedies stuff and our oldest daughter Emily, practically screamed at me “MOOOOOMMMMM Your sourdough is explosive”, my reply being “What in the world are you talking about?”. But as I looked to see what she was making such a fuss over I then screamed “My sourdough starter”. It had been fed really well, well enough that it quickly had outgrown the cute little jar that I had bought for it. I didn’t quite know what to do next, except sit in inside another bowl as I had to run to town to grab a new bigger container.
Laughing at the mistakes!
So as my kids laughed at me because I had made one terrible mess all over everything, I began to laugh too, especially as I tried to explain to their dad that I had exploded sourdough starter all over the kitchen. The joys and hardships that exist inside the kitchen are that that will be had by everyone. Not everyone gets it right on the first try, and if they do maybe its the second or third try that messes them up. Not everyone is artistic and makes the fanciest, prettiest things out there, because I sure don’t. But my family has since learned that especially if it smells good and looks kinda bad, it’s probably the better of whatever I have made. But it’s the effort for me. Trying to do something that makes my family healthier and allows us to make together in the kitchen. That’s what it is about for me. So I have made plenty of mistakes, including this one that my container wasn’t big enough for my sourdough starter! But on the bright side…. Check out below the loaf of bread that it made! I could go on and on about bread making, and will have plenty more to discuss later because I love bread. But the best way to turn you on to your own sourdough bread is to head on over to www.madewithtonsoflove.com and get your copy of my book My Kitchen My Rules, where you will learn how to make your own sourdough starter ( just get ya container big enough), then in Section 2, you will learn how to make the bread with the starter that you made as well! Wouldn’t that put a smile on your face? To know that you done both of those things. If you need additional help or support, you can always reach out to me on Facebook at Made With Love Homestead, Instagram at Made with tons of love, TikTok- thecrazyherblady. I sure hope that you decide to try it and come back for some more talking about cooking, or what got me into the homestead cooking, and so so much more. Bring ya chair back next time and let’s talk some more. Always remember to Smile God Loves You and so do we.