Think of all of the scraps that you throw out when you fix a meal. Get ya a chair while you think, grab your tea and lets see what we can make with scraps of food.
Vegetables that you can save the scraps of are: Taters- Save the peeling, the ends. Brocolli- stems and ends, Carrots- ends or peeling, Onions- Skin and peeling or left over pieces.
All vegetable scraps that you save you put in a ziploc bag and put in the freezer until you need it.
Bones that you need to save are:
Chicken bones- leg bones, breast and thighs, and left over pieces of meat, Beef bones- t-bone steak bones, rib bones any beef bones-
You can use the meat bones to make Bone broth- and Vegetables to be used for vegetable broth.
All of these can be found in my book My Kitchen My Rules, on , on Facebook at TikTok: @thecrazyherblady25,
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Always remember to Smile, God loves you and so do we.