Grab ya a comfy chair, it’s finally time to talk home remedies. But first let me explain just exactly how we decided that we wanted to be more connected to the earth and what it has to offer. Mostly we were in church every time the doors were open. We were seeing so many sick people, who were always asking for prayers for the Doctors to heal them, but praying to the Greatest Physician ever! This got us to thinking. We read scripture where the Bible say’s in Genesis 1:11 (KJV): And God said ” Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the Earth, and it was so.” and Genesis 1:29 (KJV): And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: “to you it shall be for meat”. So this to us meant that besides the Earth, the water, the land, the grass, trees, mammals, the food and all things that God made for us, he gives us everything we need.
God designed our bodies to function one way. His way. That way is off of the land. Each one of our organs so finely made to function off of vitamins and minerals that we get from the ground. No wonder our bodies are at war with itself. The mass production of food and medication have completely destroyed the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. So why would we put our trust and faith into a Dr, who has no intention of healing the root cause of an ailment, but to prescribe us a man made medicine that has more side effects that we have to keep going back to the Dr to be checked out.
So why wouldn’t you do your own research and learn what is growing in your yard that can cure your ailments? Sounds silly to me. So after COVID we were really just changing so much about our way of life! I really wanted our family to be healthy, self reliant, and know exactly what was put into their bodies.
So I became a Certified Herbalist and started learning all of the plants that were growing around us, most of which we were taught to kill, spray, destroy. Guess why??? They don’t make drs money! So what is more important to you? The health of you and your family or how wealthy you can make a Dr, the pharmaceutical companies and the people who sell the drugs. Now Im not saying that all doctors are bad, that pharmacies are bad or anything like that. But what I am saying is rely on yourself instead of someone else.
Get ya butt busy figuring out what Grandma and Grandpa did for ailments that cured them fast, and had them living a much healthier, long and happy life. A few examples of some of the most medicine plants that are growing around your house that you would never guess…… Dandelions (a super herb), Evening Primrose flowers, Red Clover, White Clover, Stinging Nettle (YEP, you heard right!), The list goes on and on. I am in the process of writing a new book “My Medicine Cabinet, My Rules” for those of you who want to follow exactly what we are doing to cure our own ailments, make our own salve, lotion, chapstick and so much more.
These things can also be seen on our Facebook page, Made with Love Homestead, Instagram, TikTok @thecrazyherblady25, and on our website
Always remember to Smile, God Loves you and so do we!
Have a good day y’all.